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Leonard Pitts, Jr. Assigns Me Honorary Whiteness

9 August 2019 I doubt that Leonard Pitts, Jr. has ever read anything that I have written, and we certainly have never engaged in conversation. If either of those were the case, I am absolutely certain he would contend I fit the description of an “honorary white” as he presents it in his column titled, […]

Ronald Reagan Got It Right Regarding Government

1 August 2019 Events surrounding our state’s current budget process, as of this writing, remind me of the truth in a statement by President Ronald Reagan: “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” In a column titled, “People over politics: Local delegation advocates for […]

Thoughts on Downtown Parking

10 July 2019 Fayetteville is dealing with a tremendous challenge regarding downtown parking. In the big picture, paid parking, in city lots, that has been instituted during baseball games is adversely impacting businesses and those who work downtown. A further complication is that people who want to go downtown during a game, but not attend […]

The Equality Act: A Time to Speak Up

2 July 2019 There are times when circumstances dictate that individuals and groups speak up, even at the risk of being made to suffer. The Equality Act presents one of those occasions for Americans. The House of Representatives has passed the legislation and it is now with the Senate for action. The act begins with […]

Needed: NC Civil War & Reconstruction History Center

25 June 2019 A few years ago, I got the sense that the North Carolina Civil War & Reconstruction History Center being proposed for Fayetteville had substantial public support and was moving toward realization. Over the past few weeks, media reports and commentary on social media, especially Facebook, tell a different story. Given that the […]

My Recommended Response to “White Privilege”

30 May 2019 Dictionary.Com gives the following definition of white privilege: “White privilege is a term used to describe unearned rights and benefits afforded white people in Western society because of the color of their skin.” At the bottom line, I give very little thought or attention to discussions of “white privilege”. Therein is my […]

Census Citizenship Question: A Look at the Calendar Matter

20 May 2019 On a rather frequent basis, I get to spend time with, and engage in conversation with, a wonderful group of Christian men. Topics addressed in our discussions run the spectrum from matters of our faith to those of politics and society. Part of my attraction to, and appreciation for, this group is […]

Love…Our Only Hope

9 May 2019 There are no words sufficient enough to describe the depth of my sadness, dismay, and even anger, in response to how, far too many, people are reacting to the report by Robert Mueller, special counsel. I think he was assigned to search for Russian interference in our 2016 election and any collusion […]

Critical thinking on today’s issues: A change in focus and strategy

22 April 2019 After much prayer and soul-searching, it is clear that the time has come for me to make a change in my focus and strategy. That is, regarding what should be central in my effort to help build a better world…and how to best pursue that goal. This decision has resulted in two […]

The Push for Medicare-for-All is Thought Deprivation in Full View

5 April 2019 Over a (just concluded) series of three columns, I contended that thought deprivation has taken a foothold in America. The series examined seven steps employed by power-seeking politicians, and others driven by the same aim, to develop and sustain thought deprivation among people living in America. “Living in America” is used here […]

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