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My Letter to President Donald J. Trump

I am extremely afraid that President Trump is going to lose the November election if he does not change his personal approach to campaigning. I am also convinced that if anybody other than him is elected, it will be the end of America as a place standing for freedom, unequalled opportunity, safety, fair treatment of every citizen and hope for the future. As best I can tell, there is no other person in this presidential race, aside from Donald Trump, who has the wherewithal to lead this nation in a fashion that will save it from total collapse. In fact, the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris has produced so much destruction relative to the essential underpinnings of this once great nation that President Trump might not be able to lead us to recovery. Among those underpinnings are the economy, the judicial system, law enforcement, freedom of speech, religious freedom, national security including border security, fair treatment of all Americans, faith-based societal norms and so much more.

Given the concerns explained above, I wrote to President Trump and shared my thoughts. My letter is copied below. Readers are invited to take at least two actions: (1) Using the response section at the end of this document, share your thoughts regarding what I have presented; (2) Write to President Trump regarding this matter. Go to https://www.45office.com./info/share-your-thoughts.

July 21, 2024

President Donald J. Trump,

I am writing this letter while fully realizing that you will likely never see it. In spite of that reality, I am compelled to write it because of my love for America and a profound conviction that you must win the presidency in November. I voted for you in 2016 and 2020.  I am locked-in and will definitely vote for you again this year. There are millions of people across this nation who will do the same. 

Despite the millions of Americans who support you, the reality is that you must convert millions more who are not onboard at this point and are needed to give you victory. For many, the key to winning those voters is to forthrightly address problems, solutions, and policies while staying clear of personal attacks on your opponents or on others aligned with them. Finding the balance to address their policy failings and the clear dangers posed by their proposed actions and policies, while steering clear of attacking individuals and groups is crucial. Further, this election must not simply be about winning; it must also be about uniting the citizens of our nation.

As I write this letter, I am watching reporting on President Joe Biden having withdrawn from the presidential race. That compounds my concern that you give thought to how you are conducting your campaign. You will now face a different opponent and the need, I believe, to reassess your personal approach is even more critical. I am extremely concerned that if you continue prosecuting the case for your election as you are doing now, you will not win and our once great nation will lose all possibility of being “Great Again.”

Watching your speeches, especially the one at the Republican National Convention, leads me to conclude that your speechwriters are focused on addressing the problems, solutions, and policies.  I am sure that there is much of your input in what they write. I am asking that you trust their guidance and follow what is on the teleprompter. When you are tempted to stray from the speech and verbiage that has been prepared, ask yourself if doing so actually advances the point that you are making and/or is it needlessly attacking others. If straying a bit is on point, fine.

Relatedly, the 11:00 PM news just came on. They showed a portion of an ad from your campaign presenting President Biden and Vice-President Harris in a very negative light. Trust me, responsible Americans are tired of, totally disgusted with the atmosphere reflected in and promoted by this kind of presentation; whether in advertising, speeches, or whatever. The good news is that this disgust cuts both ways. Responsible citizens do not want this from Republicans or Democrats. I suggest to you that the first party to correct this conduct will benefit substantially. Again, focus on problems, solutions, and policies while staying clear of personal attacks on your opponents and others.

I greatly appreciate your love for and service to America. Given all that you have and are sacrificing and suffering in order to serve, you are definitely a blessing to our nation and world. Like millions of others, I am thankful to God that your life was spared in that awful attempted assassination. I am convinced that, like Esther in Scripture (Esther 4:14), you are “called for such a time as this.” That is, a time when our country and world are in turmoil and seemingly beyond being able to regain even minimal stability, this is your time. Thank you for stepping up and standing strong.

                                                                                                 Very Respectfully,

                                                                                                 Karl W. Merritt

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